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GPS coordinates: lat: -33.975216 - lng: 18.453850

Newlands Physiotherapy


4 Hibiscus Avenue, 7700 Cape Town - Newlands

021 674 1527

021 674 3318

Opening hours

  • Monday: 07:00-18:00
  • Tuesday: 07:00-18:00
  • Wednesday:                   07:00-18:00
  • Thursday: 07:00-18:00
  • Friday: 07:00-18:00
  • Saturday: closed
  • Sunday: closed
Opening hours for Newlands Physiotherapy 4 Hibiscus Avenue, 7700 Cape Town

This Cape Town based private Physiotherapy practice offers optimum patient care in our treatment of a wide range of musculo-skeletal, joint and neural problems. Our physiotherapists offer high quality treatment with a hands on approach in a caring environment.
Physiotherapy is a profession concerned with human function and movement. Physiotherapists are highly skilled, fully qualified professionals who use a combination of assessment and treatment techniques to diagnose and treat problems that arise in the moving parts of the body. Physiotherapy provides a comprehensive approach to the treatment of pain, injuries and disabilities in the skeletal structures and the soft tissues attached to and surrounding them.

Physiotherapy utilizes a range of physical treatment techniques to promote muscle, joint and nerve healing. The goal of physiotherapy is to restore maximum function by reducing pain and stiffness and correcting bio-mechanical insufficiencies.

Treatment, Patient, Physiotherapists, Physiotherapy, Taping, Appointments, Physio Balls, Theraband, Human Function, Back Classes, Happy Huggers, Lumbar Supports
Company description
At Newlands Physiotherapy we pride ourselves on our professional yet caring approach. We listen to your problems, and offer explanations and possible outcomes regarding your condition. We assess and diagnose your condition, then use evidence based techniques for your treatment. We offer guidance to help you manage your condition. We maintain close relationships with our patients and their doctors – both GP’s and consultants – and unless requested not to, will update them with your progress.
All Back classes are small group classes, designed and taught by our Physiotherapists, to ensure a high standard of instruction, supervision and an understanding of the pathophysiology of back pain. The classes work on your postural muscles to help regain control of your posture and body awareness. Strength, flexibility and balance are included in the classes. The classes aim to equip you with the knowledge of appropriate exercises, which you can regularly perform at home, to maintain a healthy physical life-style, and to manage your specific condition. We offer alternate mat and ball classes where all the equipment is provided.
Home programmes:
To facilitate speed of recovery your physiotherapist will often give you some exercises to do at home. These are tailor made to your specific needs and requirements.
Home visits:
We do home visits after you have undergone spinal surgery, total hip replacements, knee replacements, etc.
We will assist you with rehabilitation in the home environment until you are strong enough to visit our practice.
Your physiotherapist may recommend use of an item to help ease or prevent the re-occurrence of your problem. Newlands Physiotherapy carries a limited stock of various braces. However, should you require specific equipment that we do not have in stock please consult one of our medical equipment suppliers, following the recommendation of your physiotherapist.

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