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National Debt Advisors


21 Riebeek Street, 8001 Cape Town - City Centre

012 007 0080
021 007 1688
087 985 0719


Opening hours

  • Monday: 08:30-17:00
  • Tuesday:                   08:30-17:00
  • Wednesday: 08:30-17:00
  • Thursday: 08:30-17:00
  • Friday: 08:30-17:00
  • Saturday: closed
  • Sunday: closed
Opening hours for National Debt Advisors 21 Riebeek Street, 8001 Cape Town

National Debt Advisors are a NCR registered and compliant professional debt counselling firm and we serve the whole of South with debt management/review/counselling services.

We help our clients to keep up with their monthly instalments and, if you have already fallen into arrears, we can protect you from credit providers taking legal action against you, by placing you under official debt counselling and dealing with your credit providers on your behalf. This means we will handle all correspondence with them, so you won't have to contend with incessant phone calls and demanding letters.

Moreover, we will negotiate with your credit providers to have your repayment plan restructured and your monthly instalments reduced, so that you are able to keep up with your monthly payments, as well as have enough money to take care of yourself and your family.

We will guide you along the road that leads to a debt-free life - free of stress, anxiety and sleepless nights.

Financial Consultants, Financial Advice, Financial Management, Consolidation Loans, Financial Advisors, National Credit Act, Debt Free, Debt Counsellors, National Credit Regulator, Debt Consultants, Debt Counselling Plan, Debt Counselling Loans, Debt Consolidation Loan, Debt Management Help, Debt Counselling Cape Town, Debt Management Advice, Budget Advisor, Budget Consultants, Debt Review Process, Debt Management South Africa, Debt Review Plan, Debt Management Consultant, Debt Management Solutions, Debt Review Services, Debt Advisor, Debt Counselling Help, Debt Management Process, Debt Management Plan, Debt Counselling Process, Debt Counselling Advice, Debt Counselling South Africa, Debt Management Loans, Debt Review South Africa, Debt Counselling Solutions
Company description
We, at National Debt Advisors have accrued many years of rigorous training in debt counselling, debt review and financial management to become the fearless, capable crusaders for customer justice we are today. Our main purpose in life is to fight for you, the consumer to get back the DEBT-FREE life you once knew, by reducing your current debt and negotiating a new, more manageable restructured payment plan for you with your creditors.
You can rest assured of our integrity and proficiency as debt counselling experts. Our devoted debt counsellors are fully qualified and compliant with the National Credit Regulator (NCR). Visit the NCR website for more information. Our understanding, supportive client service and legal team will arm you with shrewd budgeting tactics and iron-clad personalised financial management plans, so you can continue to uphold your own rights as a consumer under the National Credit Act.
Currently, over 10 million South Africans have fallen into debt by missing payments to their creditors. Debt is rapidly turning into an across the board issue, influencing individuals in all salary brackets and from all walks of life. National Debt Advisors is an official debt counselling organisation aimed at helping individuals all over South Africa to reduce their current debt, through a new restructured payment plan with their credit providers.
We, at NDA work with an expert financial claims firm, Consumer Justice Group who have extensive of experience in this specialised field, dating back many years before they decided to move their offices to South Africa. Prior to this move, CJG fought against injustices, comparable to those we experience in SA, in the UK and Canada, defending people against the misconduct of some of the biggest and most prosperous banks in the world.
Today, NDA and CJG work together to help people from all walks of life in South Africa to become free of debt.
Spoken languages
Afrikaans, Xhosa & Zulu
Contact Persons
Debt Consultant


012 007 0080


Official Data

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