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GPS coordinates: lat: -33.906075 - lng: 18.423153

Mixed Media: a Business Platform For Creative People


Po Box 50252, 8002 Cape Town - Waterfront


Mixed Media: A Business Platform For Creative People, offers on-line courses for individuals to discover or develop their talents and to express themselves in any way that makes sense to them; in their own time; at their own pace. Recommended if you are currently in a situation
simply for emotional/financial security and are
disregarding the skills that bring you joy such as
writing, teaching, art, music, performance or any
creative medium that you believe you are meant
to share with others.

Art, Music, Wellness, Teaching, Performance, Writing, Adult Education, On-Line Course, Business Platform, Creative Workshops for Women
Company description
So many people are unfulfilled because they have strayed away from the expression of creative gifts, into places of unfulfilling routine. Maybe you're one of them. These workshops will equip you with the skills to: overcome obstacles; re-awaken your passion; think differently; have fun; love yourself; trust the process; move beyond your insecurities; deal with creative blocks; handle difficult/down times; just do it and move forward with the natural grace of who you are. These are skills that you can use in all areas of your life. Please e-mail janine.venter@telkomsa.net for further details.

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