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GPS coordinates: lat: -33.924740 - lng: 18.424107

Lux Verbi


Naspers Centre Heerengracht, 8001 Cape Town

021 406 3033

BUSINESS HOURS: Mondays to Thursdays: 08:00-16:30.
Fridays: 08:00-16:00.
Lux Verbi.BM’s vision is to empower Christian communities in Africa and to give meaning to their lives by way of creating, packaging and distributing responsible content.
In partnership with and in the interests of Christian communities, authors and shareholders, Lux Verbi.BM’s dedicated employees produce and distribute Christian material at competitive prices, backed up by excellent service.
We take care to ensure that the content of our publications conform to Scriptural norms.
We are ethical in our conduct and we act with integrity, respect and accountability towards the company, our shareholders, the community and the environment.
We present the content of our publications in a way that is aesthetically attractive.
We take trouble to keep our products as affordable as possible.

Services, Books, Publishers, Companies, Student, Bible, Gospel, Readers, Pastors, Electronic Media, Handbook, Publishing Companies, Theologians, Co-Productions, Christian Community
Company description
The Latin phrase "lux verbi" – "light of the word" – captures the essence and identity of our company. Lux Verbi.BM’s aim is to spread the Good News throughout Africa by means of our Bibles, books and various electronic media.
Lux Verbi.BM is the offspring of the oldest publishing company in South Africa, the Dutch Reformed Church Publishing Company, established in 1818. The Bible Society of Southern Africa, which originated from the same parent company, continues to distribute millions of Bibles annually.
Lux Verbi's and Bible Media's business units were merged in 1999, forming a strong and exiting new company called Lux Verbi.BM. Bible Media still exists as an independent company, and manages the ministries. We are now better able to effectively meet the needs and challenges of the new millennium … media for Christ in Africa and beyond. In 1999, Lux Verbi.BM was assimilated into Naspers, the largest media group in Africa. Naspers, with its global vision and understanding of technology, provides the platform for us to excel and grow. In 2002, Lux Verbi.BM made a strategic decision to move the retail aspect of our business to one of the Naspers retail divisions, Van Schaik. Naspers had decided to merge all its different business units; consequently, all retail outlets – including Lux Verbi stores – would be managed by Van Schaik from then on. This decision enabled Lux Verbi.BM to focus on wholesale business and content development. More recently, Lux Verbi.BM has obtained rights from international publishers such as LifeWay International and Zondervan, as well as the distribution rights to the NIV Bible for South Africa and the rest of Africa, to mentioned only a few.