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GPS coordinates: lat: -33.895519 - lng: 18.568266

Jensen Intelligence


House 29, Greens Close, 7500 Cape Town - Parow


Website Design, a CMS to update your web pages, good SEO and E-Commerce

Jensen Intelli offer a range of website products, ranging from basic low cost to high end corporate websites with CMS (content management systems) and SEO (search engine optimisation) packages available.

Our online marketing methods for your website will ensure you are a strong contender in e-commerce.

Good web design, complete with CMS is at your finger tips here in Cape town and other areas of South Africa. (Belville, Parow, Claremont, Tableview and more)

Decreased downtime on your information system relies on your original IT structure

There is a quick and easy way to tell if your networks and information systems will experience downtime in the future, and you do not need to be an IT expert to forecast this. Basically, if your IT support company has a ‘quick patch-up’ approach to network and IT problems, you are highly likely to experience the same information system problems over and over.

Website Design, Computers, Seo, It Support, Website Development, Computer Sales, Cms, Service Level Agreements, It Support for Schools
Company description
Original IT system or network architecture must be stable, or must be reconsidered
When it comes to the maintenance of your network and IT systems, you need to start with good.
Networks and IT systems can be in bad shape for a number of reasons; previous lack of maintenance, incorrect advice from your IT supplier, bad original IT architecture, or simply IT architecture that was not scalable, or was a short term solution.
There is no need to feel bad, as some of these are the result of a company that is growing at a steady and healthy pace, or a company who has committed their budget elsewhere, and is now looking to integrate new technology and expand thier IT systems.
What is important here, as that before IT maintenance procedures can commence, the network needs to be in good shape. Some companies choose to add these service bills to the SLA to pay it off in easy to manage amounts on a monthly basis.
The necessity of maintenance on your computer systems and network
It is absolutely essential that networks are maintained, and not only because it is more cost effective that way, but also because maintenance increases security, protects your valuable data, and reduces time spent where employees are unable to work or can only perform certain functions. Network downtime damages your business in ways that are visible to your clients, and can damage your reputation as a company who ‘has it all together’.
Aesthetically pleasing websites, design, use of colour and brand recognition
This subject was lightly touched on in the article on web design. To elaborate, the aesthetically pleasing element to your website contains more than just good design principles and factors throughout your templates and web pages. Most companies have (or should have) defined colour schemes related to thier branding. For instance, the Jensen Intelligence colour scheme is orange, blue and white. Therefore, the website promotes and conforms to this colour scheme and branding.

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