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GPS coordinates: lat: -33.981068 - lng: 18.519861

Good Shepherd Preschool


215 Lawson Road, Crawford, 7780 Cape Town - Crawford


Opening hours

  • Monday: 07:00-18:00
  • Tuesday: 07:00-18:00
  • Wednesday: 07:00-18:00
  • Thursday:                   07:00-18:00
  • Friday: 07:00-18:00
  • Saturday: closed
  • Sunday: closed
Opening hours for Good Shepherd Preschool 215 Lawson Road, Crawford, 7780 Cape Town

When you enroll your child in our pre-school, you can be confident that you are providing a head start for your child. Your child will receive a full educational program for the price of babysitting. Here's why. Our curriculum is a phonics-intensive program that teaches young children how to read. Children as young as thirty months begin learning the phonics alphabet twice a day. By the time our children have spent two and a half years (30 months to age six) in our Preschool, many are reading at a second-grade level. This is not always true, but it is true in a large number of cases. Some children read above a second-grade level.

Nursery School, Pre School, Teach, Curriculum, Young Children, Reads, Twice a Day, Phonics Alphabet, Phonics-Intensive Program, Thirty Months, Begin Learning, Full Educational Program, Children’s Services
Company description
The curriculum that was initially developed by Rev. Nick Kozel for his Good Shepherd School & Day Care, which is located in Harrisonburg, Virginia. This curriculum is now being used by day care programs all across the United States.
When you enroll your child in a day care or pre-school that uses the DEMI curriculum, you can be confident that you are providing a head start for your child. Your child will receive a full educational program for the price of babysitting. Here's why.
The DEMI curriculum is a phonics-intensive program that teaches young children how to read. Children as young as thirty months begin learning the phonics alphabet twice a day. By the time DEMI-curriculum-trained children have spent two and a half years (30 months to age six) in a day care that uses the DEMI curriculum, many are reading at a second-grade level. This is not always true, but it is true in a large number of cases. Some children read above a second-grade level.
The DEMI curriculum also introduces number-recognition, classical music, and eye-hand coordination in coloring.
These are DEMI's academic subjects. Students also learn good behavior habits. A child who has been trained using the DEMI curriculum is taught daily to do the following:
Obey parents, Obey adults the first time, Sit still, Listen to the teacher, Raise hand before talking, Exercise patience, Wait his turn, Keep his hands to himself, Follow directions, Be polite, Keep his desk neat (eating, working), Clean up the area if it's messy, Eat quietly, Rest quietly, Stick to a schedule, Be kind to other children, Help others, Play without pushing others, Learn that disobedience isn't cute, Recognize both good and bad behavior, Speak clearly to adults, Learn personal hygiene, Honor property rights ( mine, yours ), Develop responsibility, Develop confidence.
If this is what you want for your child, you should enroll your child in a program
Spoken languages

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