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GPS coordinates: lat: -34.135281 - lng: 18.384609

Constellations Institute Of South Africa


2 Clipperton Close, 7975 Cape Town - Capri Village

083 656 2580

The Constellations Institute provides a comprehensive educational website with the aim to grow the Systemic Constellations Work in South Africa.
The Institute runs workshops, individual sessions(working with couples, individuals and children)and Systemic and Family Constellations Trainings for professionals and people who would like to embark on personal development journey.

Training, Workshops, Personal Development, Family Therapy, Couples Counselling, School Projects, Family Constellations, Ecl, Systemic Constellations, Dissolving Barriers To Learning, Enhancing Childrens Learning, Individual Sessions, Family Constellations Facilitator Training, Organisational Constellations
Company description
The Constellations Institute was founded by Helen and Claudio Celestino who are both very experienced Family and Systemic Constellations facilitators. They work together in a very unique way, facilitating Constellations workshops, individual sessions and running Systemic Constellations facilitator trainings.There deep love for each other, life and the work they are doing reflects in every session and it enables clients to enter into a deep, safe healing space. Since 2007 Helen and Claudio are engaging with schools and the educational field to share the systemic approach coming out of Systemic Constellations Work with teachers, principles and anyone working with children. They are training teachers to implement the ecl (enhancing children's learning) programm which was founded in the UK, into the classrooms. Helen and Claudio are offering Dissolving Barrier's to Learning workshops for parent's and teacher's to gain deep insights in systemic patterns which come out of the child's family system. This will create an understanding where the child is at and a resolution can be found from there.

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