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GPS coordinates: lat: -34.013378 - lng: 18.492462

Classique Medical Aid Consultants


7 Torrens Road, 7800 Cape Town - Ottery


021 797 8856

Classique Medical Aid has offices in Cape Town (021) 797 8885 as well as George (044) 87301 and have an experienced team of advisors on hand to help you choose the BEST medical aid for your needs.

Health Insurance, Medical Aid Consultants, Medical Aids, Bonitas, Medihelp, Keyhealth, Bestmed, Resolution Health, Hosmed, Medical Aid Brokers, Medical Aid Quotes, Prosano, Classique Medical Aid Consultants
Company description
Classique Medical Aid Consultants deal with the following medical schemes: BONITAS, PROSANO, MEDIHELP, TELEMED, HOSMED, RESOLUTION HEALTH, FEDHEALTH, KEYHEALTH. Classique Medical Aid Consultants specializes in giving advice to individuals and companies on affordable medical aid solutions. We deal with various medical schemes (Bonitas, Prosano, Bestmed, Medihelp, Hosmed, Keyhealth, Resolution Health, Fedhealth) and can make the job of choosing a suitable medical scheme so much easier for you.

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