Home   →   Cape Town Business Directory   →   Berghie Online Pty Ltd
GPS coordinates: lat: -33.826031 - lng: 18.650600

Berghie Online Pty Ltd


Street, 7560 Cape Town



Berghie Online can supply you with all your IT requirements from Software, Servers, PC's, Tablets, TV's, Printers, consumables and most Office equipment. We try to beat most other quotes and also have a growing online store for you to shop at.

Computer Supplies, Power Supply, Printer Supplies, Pc Supply, Networking Support, Switches Supply, Mouse Supply, Anti Virus Supply, Plasma Supply, Notebook Supply, Laptop Supply, Tablets Supply, Webcam Supply, Printers Supply, Keyboards Supply, Speakers Supply, Hard Drive Supply, Cables Supply
Company description
Berghie Online can supply you with all your IT requirements from Software, Servers, PC's, Tablets, TV's, Printers, consumables and most Office equipment. We try to beat most other quotes and also have a growing online store for you to shop at. If something is not in the shop that you are looking for, we will add it for you. The owner of Berghie Online is C# ASP.NET Web/Application developer (MCPD / MCTS) qualified and can also support in your website hosting and development, or help you design your own software. For more info and the best service, give me a call...
Service Areas
South Africa
Spoken languages
English, Afrikaans

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