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GPS coordinates: lat: -26.182301 - lng: 28.105129

Communicate Bruma Finance


2 Ernest Oppenheimer Avenue, 2026 Bruma

+27 11 622 2723

+27 11 622 5722

Communicate is operationally structured to offer optimum delivery results
All consultants specialise in niche areas and have an in-depth understanding of their particular industry.
The client therefore deals with a recruitment expert, ensuring optimum delivery on job specs.

Recruitment, Skills, Candidates, Bees, Recruitment Assignments, Career Decisions, Cvs, Empowerdex Scorecard Rating Credits, Recruitment Fields
Company description
Effective turnaround on delivery is promoted; productive time is not wasted.
Dedicated specialist teams conduct in-depth investigations of the client’s unique requirements, thereby creating a deeper understanding of client needs. This results in an improved ‘skills-to-position match’.
A committed relationship promotes quality service.
The correct match of skills to position ensures longer tenure of the placed candidate.
Communicate’s unique interviewing process facilitates a clearer understanding by the candidate of realistic salary expectations, resulting in a higher rate of offers accepted.
Communicate encourages candidates to thoroughly research their career options. This strategy enables candidates to make informed career decisions when opportunities present themselves.
Ultimately Communicate’s business structure enhances service capacity for delivery.

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