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GPS coordinates: lat: -25.634159 - lng: 27.779341



45 Van Velden Street, 0250 Brits

+27 12 381 2923

+27 12 381 2904

Through detailed service level agreements, Info-Gro provides comprehensive services and support in the desktop, data networks, application development and maintenance, customer service center, midrange computer and server infrastructures to the MGK Group of companies.

Services, Hardware, Maintenance, Supplies, Maintenance Services, Desktop, Comprehensive, Support Services, Application Development, Data Networks, Server Infrastructures, Midrange Computer, Customer Service Center
Company description
Although we supply all their hardware, we are currently only providing application development and maintenance services to the rest of our clients based in Mosselbay.
The nature of our business with the MGK Group of companies, requires us to have various types of in house skills. These are value added type skills, which are currently being used in Businesses and Households in Brits and many of these skills are being obtained, at high prices from Gauteng companies. We intend to provide these services at much more affordable prices.
We are planning to become a household name in Brits, over time.
Info-Gro signed an agreement with MTN Network solutions to become a virtual 1st tier internet service provider.

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