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GPS coordinates: lat: -33.890591 - lng: 18.632586

Professional Debt Solutions


102 Prospect Place, 132 Durban Road, 7530 Bellville


021 948 6518

Professional Debt Solutions is a debt management company that provides debt management solutions to customers that are over indebted or who are experiencing extreme financial hardship.

Bank, Personal Loans, Management, Consulting, Finance, Investments, Legal, Money, Credit, Savings, Debt Counselling, Debt Review, Retail Stores, Consumer, Debt Management, Court, Credit Card, National Credit Act, Debt Advice, Debit, Debt Mediation
Company description
Professional Debt Solutions is a debt management company that provides debt management solutions to customers that are over indebted or who are experiencing extreme financial hardship. The company is owned and managed by Paul and Dawid Beukes who have extensive Banking knowledge in both collections and credit vetting. The support staff are highly trained individuals with the necessary skills to provide superior service to both the consumer as well as the credit provider. The services we provide are as follows: Debt Management Debt Mediation Debt Review Debt Restructuring

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