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GPS coordinates: lat: -29.519957 - lng: 31.223145

Outsourced Social Solutions | Oss


Tamboti Drive, 4420 Ballito


OSS is your one-stop-shop for all your online needs for your business or brand. Let us make sure you are visible to your customers and potential customers online, and keep your brand TOP OF MIND... Because if you are not top of mind, your competitor probably is!!
Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, LinkedIn, SEO, SEM, Website Updating or Development, Newsletters, Etc.

Graphic Design, Web Design, Website, Online, Website Development, Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Newsletter, Brand Management, Linkedin, Social Media Services, Social Media Agency, Profile Management, Instagram, Pinterest
Company description
OSS is a Social Media Management and Website Design Agency
*Social Media Management through targeting strategy for your brand
*eCommerce, Business and Personal Website Development
*Monthly Reporting and SEO Maintenance
*Brand Integrity guaranteed
*Active Brand Management
Social Media Management, Social Media Campaigns, Online Ad Placement & Management, Website Development, Designing and Printing of Brochures, Invites, Business Cards, Online Adverts and Newsletters
Did You Know:
* The number of monthly active Facebook users is up to 901 million
* 340 million tweets are sent each and every day
* 750 tweets per second are shared on Twitter
* Two new members sign up to LinkedIn every second
* The average visitor spends 15 minutes per day on YouTube
* 3 million new blogs come online every month
* Pinterest drives more referral traffic than YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn combined
* Over 5 million images are uploaded to Instagram every day
Service Areas
Durban, Johannesburg, Cape Town, South Africa. Social Media and Web development can be done for anyone from anywhere. Such is the power of the world wide web!
Spoken languages
Contact Persons
Shan Fourie


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