Home   →   Athlone Business Directory   →   Serve Pro Mobile Waiter Bartender
GPS coordinates: lat: -29.808153 - lng: 31.025122

Serve Pro Mobile Waiter Bartender


Riverside, 4051 Athlone - Durban North



Opening hours

  • Monday:                   08:00-16:00
  • Tuesday: 08:00-16:00
  • Wednesday: 08:00-16:00
  • Thursday: 08:00-16:00
  • Friday: 08:00-16:00
  • Saturday: 08:00-16:00
  • Sunday: 08:00-16:00
Opening hours for Serve Pro Mobile Waiter Bartender Riverside, 4051 Athlone

Available payment methods

Serve-Pro is an independent and specialised mobile waiter and bartender service whose staff compliment is available on an hourly basis. Serve-Pro has the highest quality of service staff – waiter, scullery staff, runners, registration staff, bartenders and function floor managers to meet each and every expectation of our clients. Our service staff is often the first point of contact for any guest at any event or function and for this reason first impressions are lasting and will ultimately contribute to the success of any function or event. The success of Serve-Pro over the last 14 years is due to the careful selection and screening of our service staff for their reliability, integrity, pleasing and obliging personalities and service professionalism.

Catering, Services, Weddings, Events, Hire, Caterers, Menu, Entertainment, Functions, Bars, Party, Staff, Bridal, Hiring, Aprons, Temporary, Part Time, Specialized, Waiters, Temp, Barmen, Serve, Mobiles, Barman, Hostesses, Hospitality Services, Bartender, Waitress, Waitrons, Serve-Pro, Servepro
Company description
Our Management team consists of professionals who set and expect the highest standards of professionalism from every member of our teams, ensuring that we provide and deliver “service excellence” whether the function is: corporate, conferencing, sporting events or intimate cocktail parties. Serve-Pro are able to assist our Clients with invaluable knowledge from the off-set of a booking through to setting up the function and the unpleasant but necessary breakdown with ease. Our waitering staff will play a memorable part in the success of any event or function due to their service excellence, and willingness “to go the extra mile for each and every guest”. Serve-Pro is able to work in conjunction with caterers of your choice or we can recommend a select number of boutique caterers who have an existing and strong reputation within this arena. These select caterers are able to supply you with individually tailored menu options and tastings at your convenience to personalise every guest’s experience which sets them apart. (Please see links on home page for more information) Serve-Pro Service Options: Corporate Events * corporate staffing, Home Entertainment, Cocktail parties, Weddings, Anniversaries, Birthday parties, Product launches, Business lunches, Company parties, Corporate Hospitality suites – Rugby, Soccer and Cricket.
Service Areas
Durban North, home entertainment* weddings * corportate events * functions * wedding staff * bartender staff*christmas parties* businesses*rugby* cricket and soccer staff* parties *mobile bar*caterers*catering staff*chefs, confrencing* hospitality staff, hospitality training college, staff training, business luches, durban events, top gear hospitality staffing, jobs in hospitality, waiter training, bartender service, waiter service, engagements, events, event organisers, function co ordinators, product launches, durban july staff, city and guilds hospitality courses, cathsetta hospitality courses, bartender courses, waiter jobs, part-time hospitality jobs, hospitality staff, hospitality jobs, mobile waiters, mobile bartenders, cocktail making, cocktail courses, hostesses, career in hospitality, temporary waiters, wedding waiters, catering waiters, catering equipment and suppliers, caterers durban staff, wedding waiters, bar service, cocktails and bartenders, cocktails and service st
Contact Persons
Loraine  Sharkey



Daniel Hattingh




Official Data