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Blake and Els Wealth and Risk Management


22 Haley Avenue, 1401 Parkhill Gardens - Germiston

0861 999 114

086 682 6081

We are dedicated to making life insurance, car and home insurance, medical aids, financial planning, investment, business insurance, and commercial insurance understandable and affordable to the average person out there.

Not only does our website offer you tons of useful insurance advice, but when you approach us, we will create the perfect solution to your problem.
And if you don't find the answer you're looking for on our website, then drop us an email and I promise, we'll personally answer your question!

Financial Planning, Insurance, Investments, Life Insurance, Car Insurance, Business Insurance, Commercial Insurance, Medical Aids, Home Insurance, Building Insurance, Unit Trust Investments, Medical Aid Gap Cover, Car and Home Insurance, Medical Aid Top Up Cover
Company description
We also have a large number of business owners as clients whom we assist with buy and sell arrangements, group medical aid schemes, and commercial insurance for their business assets.
The insurance companies we represent consist of:
Allan Gray investment managers, Altrisk life insurance, Discovery health medical aid scheme, Discovery life insurance, Liberty Life insurance, Momentum life insurance, Momentum short term personal and commercial insurance, Mutual and Federal commercial insurance, Santam short term personal insurance, Saxum short term personal insurance, Turnberry medical aid top up or gap cover insurance.