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GPS coordinates: lat: -25.997847 - lng: 27.980545

Penny Bros Trust (Pty) Ltd


Cnr Watercombe & Hood Roads, 2055 Northern Johannesburg

0027 (0)10 227 0003

0027 086 602 9636

We offer the widest range of land services available in the country -
property valuations, leasing and sales, consulting services, and many more.
Our mission statement is to provide a quality project, within budget and on time!

Waste Management, Architectural Design, Transportation Engineering, Property Specialists, Property Leasing, Property Company, Ceo, Mining Rights, Property Investment Portfolio Analysis, Mass Property Data Capture and Analysis, Compilation Of Asset Registers, Property Broking, New Replacement Values, Building Use Analysis, One-Stop Property Supermarket, Disposal Of Financial Assets
Company description
The company has evolved into a "one-stop property supermarket".
We offer the widest range of land services available in the country and invite anyone to challenge this statement.
Our consultants are especially selected. We are therefore very careful before confirming their appointment as our associate.
Our typical Modus Operandi is to "package" the consortium of consultants to "fit" the task at hand.
Our goal is to provide a quality project, within budget and on time!