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GPS coordinates: lat: -31.010426 - lng: 30.248388

Freeway Fleet Management


204 Mabel Road, Glenmore Beach, 4278 Munster

(+27) 39 319 1235

(086) 542 4574

satelite tracking fleet management, tracking units, track your vehicles from the comfort of your home or office, web based system no monthly costs utilising google earth mapping, cut your maintenance costs and excessive fuel bills, check where your vehicle is at all times, harsh braking, over speed events, electronic log book for tax purposes, our state of the art tracking units utilise gsm networks and gps positioning for accurate measurement,we specialise in tracking of vehicles containers, trailers individuals, foot patrols, we have a hand held tracking unit that can be moved from vehicle to vehicle or for security foot patrols, gone are the days of the mag stick, here are the days of real time tracking ...
If it moves we can track it!!

Reports, Sms, Gps, Vehicle Tracking, Fleet Management, Track, Gsm, Vehicle Recovery, Trace, Gprs, Web Based, Real Time Tracking, Satelite Tracking, Electronic Logbook, Vehicle Management, Live Tracking, No Monthly Costs, Handheld Tracking Divice, Driver Profiling, Service Notification, Foot Patrol Monitoring, Overspeed, Harsh Braking, Driver Monitoring, No Go Zones

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