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Search Networx


25 West Street, 2198 Houghton Estate

011 628 9600

011 628 9755

SearchNetworx is an integrated online marketing company. We offer focused online advertising and marketing solutions with a strong base in the SME market. The business has grown from strength to strength for over 16 years and employs in the region of 200 people.

We strive to create innovative online marketing products that provide exposure for clients through leadership brands and online advertising opportunities.

Search Engine Optimization, Online Advertising, Google Advertising, Website Design and Development, Mobi Sites, Directory Advertising, Conversion Tracking
Company description
Guaranteed clicks
You may have heard the following “the only guarantees in life are death and taxes”
At SearchNetworx we aim to push the boundaries of conventional online business and one of the first marketing companies in S.A. by offering our advertisers GUARANTEES.
Google Advertising
Explore the full range of Google advertising opportunities
Appear on the top sponsored links today!
Advertise with Google AdWords ads in the Sponsored Links section next to search results to boost website traffic and sales.
Online Advertising
We have added the Times LIVE and the Sowetan LIVE to our product offerings.
Times LIVE is the fastest growing SA news website with a 94% year on year growth rate.
Sowetan LIVE, the digital home of The Sowetan, was launched in July 2010 and has already received a barrage of positive feedback from its readers.
Conversion Tracking
Admeter was designed to help businesses understand which of their advertisements work best for them.
Advertise an admeter telephone number in all or selected of your media and admeter will automatically calculate the cost per call from each.
This will enable you compare the efficiency of your advertising and focus your advertising budgets on the media that works.
Our core offering to clients are simple:
Create and establish a digital presence (online and mobile)
Drive potential clients to their website, mobi or micro site
Convert visitors on our clients’ adverts and sites into a customer through lead generation
Measure, optimise and improve on existing digital components.